How do I copy trades?

Hi all!
I’m interested in becoming a copy trader. Are there any prerequisites for getting started, and is there a fee involved?

By meeting the minimum requirements below, you can begin your journey on Tradingcup as a copy trader and gain access to the features and benefits offered.

  1. Have an ACY Securities account: Sign up for an account on ACY Securities.

  2. Have a MT4 account: A valid MT4 account is required.

  3. Initial minimum deposit: The initial minimum deposit for our Standard account

After you subscribe to a signal, the subscription fee will be deducted from your account and transferred to the signal provider’s account. If your account base currency is not USD, we will deduct the equivalent amount in USD based on the current exchange rate from ACY Securities.
The subscription fee for a signal is determined by each signal provider, usually ranging from USD $30 ~ $ 500.